Friday, February 19, 2010

Life size...

Today I received a package at work from a school I worked at last week. The teachers at that school had their students write me thank-you notes for coming to their school and doing the program "What's The Matter" with them. In that program we make ice cream and disappearing ink, I show them a plasma/lightning ball, and I do a really cool experiment called elephants toothpaste - the video below is the experiment on a much larger scale, but you can see why the kids all love me when I do this for them in the classroom.

I just sat down after a really long day to look through the thank you notes, and they were all very nice - I took the names off of the notes, so here are a few of them - sorry for the crappy picture quality... (please keep in mind they are second graders, so spelling may not be perfect just yet!)

See, really nice, right? It's the last one that I have an issue with. A few of them were decorated with drawings of the experiments that we did, and the things we made, but this last drawing just went a little far. I'm all for an artist's rendition of the day's events, but did they need to draw scientist Cheryl to scale? What ever happened to stick figures? And I know I have a slight frizz problem, but did you have to make me look like I stuck my finger in a light socket? Highlighter yellow is NOT my color. This might be the picture I put on the frig so I stop eating.

Oh well, it's the thought that counts...


  1. I would like a copy for my birthday.
    21 days and counting.

  2. Hilarious! I had to show Nate...LOL! I miss teaching.

  3. that is a nice looking exothermic reaction... is it a/b foam? I notice they had gloves on which makes me think A/B what do you use?
