Sunday, October 11, 2009

Thank you Craigslist. You really came through for me.

I got a job!!!


I interviewed last week with a company called High Touch High Tech and I go in tomorrow to sign some paperwork and get a schedule so I can begin training.

This company is hired by schools to come in and teach a 90 minute Science lesson to a classroom of kids. When I taught at McAuliffe, two days out of the school year we had the Pacific Science Center bring a field trip to the school, where kids had a similar experience. When I went in for the interview, I could tell right away that the two people who interviewed me absolutely loved their job, and thought they had the greatest gig in the world - that's always a good sign. They told me a bit about their program, showed me around the office/lab, and even showed me a few experiments that are typical to what we do in the classroom. I left the intervew on Friday REALLY hoping that they would offer me a position, and today I got an email saying I got the job! I can't wait to start!

Kids love these kinds of programs - it's out of their normal school day routine, so all eyes will really be on me. Plus, they know that they will be able to not only watch really cool experiments, but that they will be able to do some hands-on stuff as well. My goal is to learn as many experiments as possible, so I can do some when I come home at Christmas. This job will give me the opportunity to figure out which schools I like, so that I may have a better idea of what schools to teach at if I choose to do so next year. I'll be driving around a lot, so I'll get to know the Raleigh/Durham area better too. All-in-all, I think it's going to be a great experience, and I'm really excited about it! Plus, I'm hoping to gain some blogging material as I'm running a bit short in that department!

Goodbye Ellen. Goodbye Oprah. Goodbye CSI. Goodbye Law & Order. It's for the best. I'll miss you.


  1. What great news!! Congrats, congrats. It sounds like a perfect fit. Plus, you don't have to say good-bye to your day time friends--say hello to DVR!!! :)

  2. Congratulations!! This is so cool! Perfect for you and i love that the people who are there seem to like it. Big bonus.

    Can I come over for the christmas science experiments?

  3. WHOOOO!! That's awesome beanie!!! Congrats babe :D
