Sunday, December 20, 2009

Locks of Love

It's that time of year again!

My hair had gotten really long, which meant it was time to cut off 10 inches and donate my hair to Locks of Love. This is something I have done 4 times before, and I really enjoy doing it. It's a great organization, and I am happy to do it. Although I always hate having short hair, my hair does tend to grow fast, and I can live with it. Besides, once it is long enough to go back into a ponytail, I'm good to go. I flew in from NC Thursday night, and Friday afternoon I had an appointment with Eric from Gene Juarez in Redmond. He is my mom's hair guy, and he has done my donation cut two times before!

A funny side note about Eric - he's not very old, but he looks very similar to Taylor Hicks. He was actually on American Idol during the tryout shows as a Taylor Hicks knockoff!

My mom was a trooper and acted as my photographer for the day - thanks Mom!

Da-damn, my hair was long.

Eek, no turning back now...

Goodbye hair!


Thanks Eric, it looks great!

Now, all that's left for me to do is act like a 26 year-old, and actually use a hair dryer. Wish me luck!